Airbnb Dreams into a Reality

? Big WIN ? We have 23 nights out of 31 BOOKED for October!
Troy has taken on the lead to get our home prepped and ready to go on Airbnb. We returned from our honeymoon tour of the country in the middle of July and we posted our site in mid August with our first guests at the end of the month.
It has been quite a learning curve and fun adventure thus far. It was two of many things Troy really wanted to do – work to upgrade our house and host guests to enjoy our home. So we found a way for him to do that and get paid! And now, he’s doing it, doing it well and enjoying it.
I’m so proud of Troy Leslie for all his hard work and commitment to get it ready to host and we are excited to set more big goals for the coming year.
Set a big, clear, specific goal. Establish your motivation for the goal and desired result. Find people who have gone before you and educate yourself accordingly. Craft a roadmap to get to the goal, with clear specific steps. Then take consistent action according to your plan.
Little by little any goal you choose to set can be accomplished.
Starts with the belief it can happen and a decision to declare a goal to achieve.
IF you need help with this process, as most people do, I can help you, creating a vision and crafting a map to get you there is my jam and I make it a fun process. Message me to start a conversation about what big goal you want to accomplish.
~ Get Liberated!

One Year Anniversary

 Time flies, join me in celebrating Troy and I as we are enjoying ONE full year married today!
 We actually got married 3 times, today was our first, so it’s our traditional anniversary. We were married on the courthouse lawn with 3 close friends on a beautiful fall day.
 A few days later, my dad married us in my sister’s backyard with my closest family and a few close friends. And the 3rd in North Carolina at a friends barn surrounded by Troy’s closest friends from the area.
 For years I had said, “I’ll never get married again!”
 Too much hurt, too much pain and confusion from the first marriage ending.
 Yet my heart was determined to LOVE.  And LOVE was on a quest that was more powerful than me or my fears.
 LOVE is on a mission to liberate us from even more of the stuff that holds us back.
 To heal even more layers of past hurts and confusion, to bring you deeper layers of inner freedom and acceptance.
 To release you to ENJOY again. 
When this transformation happens, you see life in a new way. 
 You are overwhelmed by the goodness of life even when the rest of the world feels chaotic.
 You have greater capacity for love, for deeper rest and peace inside of yourself.  You have clarity on your value and your worth.
 You live the life you are meant to live in alignment with your true values.  Deeply fulfilled and certain of who you are and your purpose here on the planet.
  Now I get to help other dedicated professionals find their own transformation and walk confidently in their purpose & enjoy it! 
 For those of you that need greater levels of inner freedom and desire to walk more confidently and certain through life, I can help you.
 The first step is a conversation to experience this type of deep coaching work to see if it’s a fit for you.  If this feels like what you need right now, send me a message to schedule a conversation.
~Liberated Heart