“Prioritizing yourself” is knowing what is TRULY important.

“Prioritizing yourself” means knowing what is TRULY most important in your life.

If you’re anything like me, I didn’t truly know what was TRULY most important until my late 30s.

Of course, I knew the “right” answer… God, family, friends, my purpose (or job.)

In my late 30s, after years of striving towards the above path, I came to a “hard stop” only to get super super honest with myself that that path was seriously not bringing me what I wanted or needed. 

In fact it brought me a lot of what I didn’t want. Emptiness. Sadness. Strained relationships. Divorce. Heartbreak. Stress. Anxiety. Confusion. Poor health.

Just to be clear, I was born into a loving family and over the years I created A LOT of amazing things.  Great success over years. Tons of friends. Trips. Love. Faith and spiritual life. Money. Promotions. Leadership opportunities. And more.

However, I was performing, I was striving, I was being a good girl who followed most of the rules and did it really really well, I worked incredibly hard and sacrificed a lot of myself to show up for others – all of the people listed above.

And the result. I was exhausted and drained to my core.

So, I changed the path. I had to.

With the help of several amazing professional helpers, I got clear with what was truly important and now I live life very differently and my results are MUCH better.

Actually, now, at 45, I still pinch myself years later from the time I had my “hard stop.”

Now, I prioritize myself in a whole new way and have a whole new very specific purpose. No longer am I working to satisfy, please, accommodate, do it the “right” way or check all the boxes.  

Now, I am pursuing the highest version of myself. To restore my true nature that I was born with, my God given nature.

After years and years of life experiences and accumulating other people’s beliefs about me and about the world, my true nature had become very very distorted. So much so that I did not recognize myself.  

There was growth and exploration and ultimately transformation that had to happen to get to where I am today.  Sometimes it was hard, change usually is uncomfortable to some degree even when it’s awesome.  And, I had lots of amazing teachers and mentors and still do.  And, the work has been totally worth it.

Let me be real … every 24 hours of my life is not completely stress-free nor am I 100% in rest, but stress and anxiety are now momentary passings rather than my state of being and I am operating, finally, from a state of rest. 

There is a scripture in Hebrews that talks about living in the restful hand of God and for the life of me for all these 40 years I did not understand how to do. I couldn’t even conceive it in a tangible way, it was always a far away idea, similar to “retirement.”

Now, I am living in the beautiful restful hand of God, no longer waiting for the promised land. What a feat that has been to get here. I’ve been through the “desert.”

(I talk about this presence as God because that is what I learned as a child, if you call it by another name, please know I see you and I honor you)

Come join me in the restful hand of God.  

It’s truly beautiful.

Little did I know in all my years of Believing that I could experience “Heaven” on earth.

There’s more for you my loves, so much more, if you are willing to be your most courageous self and go on a journey to discover the more that God has for you.

For those of you that desire to go on this expedition, I am one of the ones chosen to guide you. To show you the New Way.  

For those of you following me for awhile, you’ve known me as “Liberated Badass” and I still am, it’s tattooed on my arm lol. But now I enter into a new phase of my own journey as Shaman. 

For those of you not familiar with the term, I wasn’t. It means one who loves to study and mentor others, one who seeks personal healing and then heals others and one who sees visions beyond what most can see. 

This is me.  

I am here for you. You know how to reach me.  

Liberated Living 💖💫🔥

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.

Now is the best time to get what you want. Let’s chat. We’ll spend about an hour together getting clear on what you desire in your life and how I can help you get what you want. No charge for the consultation. Schedule a call here

Desire is not selfish

Many successful adults have learned that having needs and desires is actually selfish.  

As a result, they have suppressed them. Denied them for years and years. 

And it has become their normal experience to deny themselves.  

It has intertwined in their faith and their beliefs about God and their way of existing here on Earth.  

And they are suffering quietly in this reality.

So much so, that most folks I get the chance to talk to are not truly aware of what their heart MOST desires.  

This means, we lose sight of what we are intended for, who we are intended to be, and the beauty of life as it was intended.  

Desire is not selfish. It was given by the Creator. Desire is actually Divine.

The game I play now is all about being in tune and in awareness of my heart’s desires. My knowings.  My purpose. In a new way than I have ever experienced before.

When we are aware of our desires – needs, wants, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs we create the life we most want. We are thoughtful and intentional in our life decisions. We function from alignment with who we are intended to be in the world.  

From this posture, we are most capable to love and be loved with ease and delight.  

We serve in our greatest roles and contributions to the community around us.  

We are the most creative and able to access our imagination at the highest level.  

We accept our whole selves, including our shadow side, and therefore have the capacity to accept others exactly as they are too.

If you are aware of how you are living out old childhood patterns of believing you are selfish or that attending to your needs and wants is selfish, if you were told as a child many times over that you are selfish or that being needy is selfish, it’s time to clear that sh*t out of your system. 

It IS holding you back.

It’s time to get liberated and live in the divine knowledge that you were created with desires.  

It’s time to live as the divine being you were created as.

The divine being who is more than enough.  

More than capable of being loved, being accepted, being cherished.

More than capable of loving others with a full cup, that has no neediness attached to it or expectation of return – from a posture of wholeness.  

If this message is speaking to you and you are ready to get even more liberated to operate in the divine purpose of your life, let’s chat! Reach out to me saying this message resonated.  

Sending you love and liberation from the old way which is keeping you small.

Liberated Living 💖💫🔥

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.

Now is the best time to get what you want. Let’s chat. We’ll spend about an hour together getting clear on what you desire in your life and how I can help you get what you want. No charge for the consultation. Schedule a call here.