Focus your Energy

Focus your Energy… Get Liberated and take control of your destiny.
Righteousness – What does it mean?
Recently, I have been studying this word in the context of Liberated Living and I have made some new discoveries that have helped me to Fall In Love with this word.
What? I know, I’m being dramatic for emphasis of course.
But, I now understand this word in a way that is USEFUL for me and I kinda love it so I’m sharing it with you.
Right Use of Energy.
Living on your own terms and being fully you and creating the life you desire. Instead of settling for less.
When you apply the “right use of energy” to your life, you operate in trust in yourself and your abilities to create what you want in your life.
And you FOCUS your energy on those things that you most desire and feel called to do in your life. The things you know you are meant for.
  • Instead of staying at a job that doesn’t bring you fulfillment and purpose, you transition into a business that does.
  • Instead of living as a poor person and complaining about not having enough money, you learn how to generate the income that you desire to live on
  • Instead of settling in your love life, you learn how to receive the love that you most want.
  • Instead of saying, this is just how my body is, you learn to fall in love with your body and care for it with the utmost regard and learn to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Taking action on the things you truly want in life, from a place of knowing who you are and what you are intended to do and be here on the planet is the right use of energy.
This use of the word righteousness leads to your liberated life and you viewing the future with excitement and interest. Rather than settling for life being “good” or “just the way it is.” That way of living is for the birds. Run from that way of living, it is a drain on your energy.
How does this land for you? Is this a view that you would like to adopt as well?
~Liberated Living 💖🔥🌟
Let’s GO! 🔥
People hire me when they are ready to upgrade their lives and be in control of their destiny. I teach how to live a new way and help them make the shifts they want to make in under 6 months.
It’s your time to upgrade, I am here to guide you! 💖

I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.
I offer a free one-hour consultation to get to know each other better, bring more clarity to what you want and how I can help you with it.

Send me a private message to start the conversation or schedule a time to meet with me at the link here.

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.

You Are On A Journey

If you are:

  • Wishing for something that you really want
  • Working towards big goals that seem far away
  • Feeling heaviness in your body
  • Frustrated with your current job
  • Struggling to build your own business
  • Not making the money you want to be making
  • Alone and don’t feel like you will ever find love
  • Not experiencing the love you want from your partner
  • Uncomfortable in your body
  • Feeling at odds with your body or wishing you felt stronger physically
  • Feeling numb and disconnected from living
  • Living with the pain of grief and loss

I want you to know you are OK.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You are just on a journey.

There are things that you don’t know right now.

Things that you can’t see because you have blinders on that you don’t know you have.

Most people think they just need more time to figure things out …

But, that’s not true.

You don’t need more TIME, you need more AWARENESS.

Years ago, when I was working at the treatment center, I would remind my team of therapists regularly that the clients don’t really need more education on addiction or more tactics on how not to drink, they already know more than most people on the topic.

The thing they need most is greater self-awareness.

Right now, they don’t see the way forward.

They know there is one, but for the life of them, they can’t find it.

And, so they feel hopeless, frustrated, fed up and well, a part of them is “attached” to the idea that they “can’t” figure it out and “won’t” figure it out.

Because in their CORE they don’t BELIEVE they can have what they want.

Really truly have what THEIR heart desires.

If they truly believed at that they COULD have what they wanted, that they too could live a “normal” life full of exactly what they wanted, that they in fact have equal access to it like everyone else…

then of course they would use the education we’ve given them, implement the strategies they’d been taught and start cultivating the habits needed to stay sober.

I say all of this to remind you wherever you are in your journey through life, as you are leading others and impacting so many people, you too CAN have what you want.

You too are MEANT to have what your heart desires, NOW not later.

And, you WILL have what you want with increased self-awareness and belief.

Everything that you want, starts with these two things.

And, then comes strategy, tactics, and supporting habits.

When you have true self-awareness and deep rooted belief,

  • your identity shifts,
  • you come into alignment with the truth,
  • self-doubt goes away
  • and you easily (although it may be uncomfortable at first) take action toward what you want.

It becomes inevitable that you WILL have what you want.

Cultivate Belief: “I can have what I want right now.”

This is the work I do with people.

I help you see the things your mind doesn’t have access to right now.

If you are READY to have the things your heart desires and fantasizes about, I can help you make this happen much quicker than you would think. Let’s GO! 🔥

The first step, is a consultation to see we’re a good fit. No charge. By the end of the call, you will be super clear on what you truly want and what exactly is holding you back. Send me a private message to start the conversation or schedule a time to meet with me at the link here.

You can have the personal freedom and control over your life that you want.

~Liberated Living 💖🔥🌟

People hire me when they are ready to upgrade their lives and be in control of their destiny. I teach how to live a new way and help them make the shifts they want to make in under 6 months.
It’s your time to upgrade, I am here to guide you! 💖

I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.

Live In Fear or Live The Liberated Way

The difference between living in Fear and living The Liberated Way.
Living in Fear:
Receive an impulse or have a creative idea.
Feel fear, discomfort and resistant to taking action.
Do it anyway.
Question incessantly whether or not you did it the right way.
Obsess about whether people will judge you for what you did and how you did.
Worry about the outcome and if it will produce the result you want.
Feel bad if the action doesn’t go as you wanted it to.
Judge yourself.
Result: Feel shame/feel badly about yourself and your abilities.
Long term affect: Reinforces you are not to be trusted.
The Liberated Way:
Receive an impulse or have a creative idea.
Feel the fear and uncomfortability of taking action.
Know that you are love.
Trust yourself to take action knowing you are one with God.
Take action knowing it WILL yield fruit.
Get excited about what the opportunity will bring into your life.
Result: Feel good about yourself regardless of the outcome.
Long term affect: Reinforces you can trust yourself.
Shifting from living one way to another is a process and it requires you to follow a process, otherwise you will find yourself trying to change your mindset or working on “trying to be different” for a very long time instead of actually BEING different and getting better at it.
It can feel hard, overwhelming and confusing because you’ve been “trying” to do and be different for so long. But, when you follow a process and you have a mentor to guide, teach and encourage you it can happen very quickly.
Game Changer.
Stop settling and “trying.”
Live the life you want to live.
Impact the world.
~Get Liberated 💖🔥🌟
Let’s GO! 🔥
People hire me when they are ready to upgrade their lives and be in control of their destiny. I teach how to live a new way and help them make the shifts they want to make in under 6 months.
It’s your time to upgrade, I am here to guide you! 💖

I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.
I offer a free one-hour consultation to get to know each other better, bring more clarity to what you want and how I can help you with it.

Send me a private message to start the conversation or schedule a time to meet with me at the link here.

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.

The mind is a mysterious place.

“The mind is a mysterious place.”

Hmm, what if it isn’t?

🤔 What if it’s just complex and more than what you understand right now?

More importantly, that belief is not helping you live a more productive, useful, confident, pleasure-filled life full of exactly what you want.

What if instead of settling on that belief as fact, you decide to learn more about how your mind functions so that it can become less mysterious to you.

The good news is, You can. And, wow, think of how your life will be different when you understood your own mind and you are actually buddies…

The mind is not mysterious. It is just misunderstood if you will. 🙃

And, you definitely don’t need to continue to host that belief.

In fact, I would offer, if you want to live a more liberated life where you are in control of your own destiny, you must let go of that belief. And, cultivate a much more liberating one.

💃 Like, “My mind is a powerful tool.”
If it feels mysterious to you right now, a more true thought would be. “My mind feels mysterious to me.”

💫 And, by the way, the mind is mysterious to most humans. And, it felt mysterious to me for a long time as well so you are in good company.

As an example … On some days you may think, “I can totally make more money” but then on other days, your mind says, “You are never going to make more money” and you have no idea why it does that, of course, your mind feels mysterious.

Once you invest in learning why it does that and how your mind actually operates, it loses its mystery.

✅ You can learn to understand your mind and how it functions.
✅ And, you can learn to appreciate it and access it for your highest good as it is intended to do.

But, until you understand it, it will feel mysterious and confusing and at times downright harmful to you.

It’s worth the investment to truly learn to understand how your mind operates.

People hire me when they are ready to upgrade their lives and take control of their destiny.
I teach these motivated humans how to…
🔥 get super clear and honest with themselves about what they truly want,
🔥 understand what they are currently doing to block themselves from having what they want,
🔥 and then, I teach them to implement a clear, simple process for achieving exactly what they want (and how to apply it to all areas of their lives.)

It’s a new way to live.
A new way to lead yourself.
Where you get to be the CEO over your whole life, the kind you fantasize about being. Not the kind struggling to hold it all together by themselves.
They have figured out the secret to work life balance, set their own schedule, have time and money to travel, are doing their purpose work and know they are positively impacting their community without burning themselves out. With a beautiful love life, feels comfortable in their own skin, and able to enjoy their passions.
And, you are this Liberated CEO over your whole life whether you are working for yourself or working at someone else’s company.
You are aligned with the truest version of you.
You are who you were designed to be.
You are contributing to the world with your unique gifts.
You are fully awake and alive.
You are giving your heart exactly what it longs for.
And, enjoying the journey regardless of what is going on in the world around you.
~Get Liberated!

Let’s GO! 💖🔥🌟

I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.
I offer a free one-hour consultation to get to know each other better, bring more clarity to what you want and how I can help you with it.

Send me a private message to start the conversation or schedule a time to meet with me at the link here.

Follow me on my personal page on Facebook for more.