You get to choose each and every day whether to live in the shame of all you haven’t done or haven’t figured out yet.

Or live in the honor of how amazing you. Of all that you have accomplished. Of all that you are doing to live a life of purpose and meaning.

You get to choose your own adventure. 💖

You get to choose what you want. What to think about your life. What to feel about what you do inside of each and every day.

You choose between shaming yourself and honoring yourself every day whether you are conscious of it or not.
What are you choosing today?

Is it not enough? Are you stressed out and frustrated about not being where you want to in life? Are you giving yourself a hard time about not doing better?

Are you doing pretty damn good? Are you actually making the best of your current circumstances? And in the grand scheme of life you’ve got most things figured out? And working towards living even better.

You get to decide how to view your circumstances.

It’s all up to you in fact to decide. No one else can decide for you. Because you will only believe what you think.

You won’t believe what someone else tells you about you unless you also agree with them.

Liberated living is all about learning to live with honor in who you are and what you are capable of in your life.

And understanding how to create a life that you enjoy even when the world seems to tell you that you can’t.

I used to live from a state of shame, always assessing what more I needed to be doing. The many things on my to do list that needed to get done and feeling overwhelmed by it. The things I was lacking in my life and couldn’t figure out how to do or how to get and feeling so disappointed and frustrated. Only to find no matter how I adjusted my life or how I moved things around, I didn’t actually feel better.

I had to go in and shift my worldview, remove the foundation of shame and self judgment that I was living on. I had to cultivate a deep understanding of what it truly mean to live in honor of myself and who I was created to be. To see my true value. I had to become willing to see myself differently as well as the world and why we are all here on the planet. And, once I surrendered to this new way, I was filled with feelings of love, trust, and faith.

Of course, you will still have challenges and days where you feel shitty, because that’s human. But, you don’t beat the hell out of yourself the way you used to for not doing enough. And, you actually stop to notice your wins and celebrate them instead of glaze over them.

Life is way more enjoyable this way. And, you create a way more enjoyable life for yourself living this way, filled with the things that you desire.

Want to join me?!?

Want to live with honor like this but can’t figure out how? Shoot me a DM to talk further about how to do it with loving support and guidance. And, live your best life in the process.
Let’s GO!

Commit and invest in yourself.
I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.
I offer a free one-hour consultation to get to know each other better, bring more clarity to what you want and how I can help you with it.

Send me a private message to start the conversation or schedule a time to meet with me at the link here.
Let’s GO! 🔥

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