Focus your Energy… Get Liberated and take control of your destiny. Righteousness – What does it mean? Recently, I have been studying this word in the context of Liberated Living and I have made some new discoveries that have helped me to Fall In Love with this word. What? I know, I’m being dramatic for emphasis of course. But, I now understand this word in a way that is USEFUL for me and I kinda love it so I’m sharing it with you. Right Use of Energy.
Living on your own terms and being fully you and creating the life you desire. Instead of settling for less.
When you apply the “right use of energy” to your life, you operate in trust in yourself and your abilities to create what you want in your life.
And you FOCUS your energy on those things that you most desire and feel called to do in your life. The things you know you are meant for.
- Instead of staying at a job that doesn’t bring you fulfillment and purpose, you transition into a business that does.
- Instead of living as a poor person and complaining about not having enough money, you learn how to generate the income that you desire to live on
- Instead of settling in your love life, you learn how to receive the love that you most want.
- Instead of saying, this is just how my body is, you learn to fall in love with your body and care for it with the utmost regard and learn to feel comfortable in your own skin.
Taking action on the things you truly want in life, from a place of knowing who you are and what you are intended to do and be here on the planet is the right use of energy. This use of the word righteousness leads to your liberated life and you viewing the future with excitement and interest. Rather than settling for life being “good” or “just the way it is.” That way of living is for the birds. Run from that way of living, it is a drain on your energy.
How does this land for you? Is this a view that you would like to adopt as well?
~Liberated Living 💖🔥🌟 Let’s GO! People hire me when they are ready to upgrade their lives and be in control of their destiny. I teach how to live a new way and help them make the shifts they want to make in under 6 months. It’s your time to upgrade, I am here to guide you! 💖
I work with people for a period of 6 months 1:1 over zoom anywhere in the world.
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